

北欧インテリア 自然の美しさとミニマリズムの融合


  1. 自然な素材の使用: 北欧インテリアでは、自然な素材が広く使用されます。特に木材がよく使われ、その風合いや質感が部屋に温かみをもたらします。また、織物や天然皮革なども積極的に取り入れられます。
  2. 明るい色彩とナチュラルな雰囲気: 北欧インテリアは、明るい色彩が特徴です。特に白色が多用され、部屋を広々と明るく見せる効果があります。また、ナチュラルな色合いや柔らかな色調が使われ、リラックスできる居心地の良い空間を作り出します。
  3. シンプルでミニマルなデザイン: 北欧インテリアは、シンプルでミニマルなデザインが特徴です。無駄のないシンプルな家具やインテリアアイテムが使われ、部屋全体に清潔で整然とした印象を与えます。
  4. 自然光の活用: 北欧の国々は冬季が長く暗いため、自然光の重要性が理解されています。そのため、大きな窓や明るいカラーの壁、オープンな間取りが多用され、自然光を最大限に活用します。



  1. アルネ・ヤコブセン(Arne Jacobsen): デンマーク出身のアルネ・ヤコブセンは、20世紀を代表するデザイナーの一人です。彼の作品の中で最も有名なのは、エッグチェアやアントチェアなどです。エッグチェアは、その独特の形状と快適な座り心地で知られ、北欧デザインのアイコンとなっています。
  2. アルヴァ・アアルト(Alvar Aalto): フィンランド出身のアルヴァ・アアルトは、モダン建築や家具デザインの巨匠です。彼の作品の中で最も有名なのは、アアルト・スツールやアアルト・テーブルなどです。彼のデザインは、曲線的なフォルムと天然木の温かみが特徴であり、北欧デザインの精神を体現しています。
  3. ハンス・J・ウェグナー(Hans J. Wegner): デンマーク出身のハンス・J・ウェグナーは、家具デザインの巨匠として知られています。彼の作品の中で最も有名なのは、Wシリーズやチャイナチェアなどです。彼のデザインは、シンプルでありながらもエレガントで機能的な特徴があり、北欧デザインの代表として高く評価されています。


assortment of items.

Combination of sofa, center table and rug

Sofa, center table and rug. The combination of these three items is a classic combination for living room furniture. Depending on the size of the rugs you combine, the presence of the sofa will change, and the center table will play a role in tightening the whole thing.
assortment of items.

Scandinavian style sofa and center table combination

どんなお宅にもよく似合う北欧インテリアのソファとセンターテーブルの組み合わせ。 グレートーンのソファと天然木のテーブルでまとめれば北欧インテリアの出来上がり。北欧インテリアにはラタンの様な天然素材もよく似合います。
assortment of items.

Combination of paper cord chair and dining table

Paper cord is popular for its fit and comfort. The natural atmosphere makes it easy to match with any dining table, creating a Scandinavian natural atmosphere. There are gaps between the stitches, so it is breathable and comfortable even in summer. Also, in winter, warm air passes through the gaps, making the seat less cold and providing a warm and comfortable sitting experience. The paper cord on the seat is a material that gradually adapts to the shape of your body each time you use it. It is comfortable to sit on for long periods of time, so we recommend using it as both a dining chair and a work chair.
assortment of items.

Combination of dining table and dining chair with armrests and legs floating

If you have a dining chair whose armrests can be hooked to the top of the dining table, you can lift the legs and make cleaning easier. This is also a useful point when using a cleaning robot such as Roomba. If the float under the legs is 10cm or more when hooked up, the cleaning robot can pass through.
interior coordination.

[Interior coordination] Scandinavian modern living room

Interior coordination of a modern Scandinavian living room. Combine natural wood and gray-toned sofas and tables to create a Scandinavian interior. The living room has a Scandinavian modern interior coordination with white, patterned items, and dull colors.
interior coordination.

[Interior Coordination] Dusty colored Korean interior living room

Living room interior coordination incorporating trendy dull colors and Korean interior design. The result is a stylish and cute living room with a gentle atmosphere that is different from the Scandinavian natural style.
interior coordination.

[Interior Coordination] japandi, a fusion of modern Japanese and Scandinavian styles

japandi Living room interior coordination. Japandi is a new interior style that is a fusion of Japan and Scandinavia. It can be said that the interior coordination is a fusion of modern Japanese and Scandinavian interiors. It is characterized by natural materials such as natural wood and rattan, a simple and gentle form, wood grain and gray coloring.
interior coordination.

[Interior coordination] Living and dining room with natural taste

Interior coordination for the living and dining room with a gentle natural taste. The texture of natural wood and rattan, the simple form, and the pale colors create an interior coordination that will soothe everyone's heart.
interior coordination.

[Interior coordination] Scandinavian natural living and dining room

Interior coordination of the living/dining room made with Scandinavian natural furniture that gives a sense of warmth using natural rubber wood. The Scandinavian-style design that makes use of wood grain gives a gentle impression and brightens the atmosphere of the space.
interior coordination.

[Interior Coordination] Natural Wood Nordic Style Kitchen

Creating a Nordic Natural Kitchen and Dining Area with Natural Wood Furniture. By incorporating rustic cabinets and decorative organizers, you can create a warm kitchen atmosphere imbued with the cozy feeling of wood. Complete the lively dining kitchen by placing a round dining table where nature and people gather together.
interior coordination.

[Interior Coordination] Cozy Dining room Like a Cafe

Dining interior coordination that makes cooking and eating fun. Everyone naturally gathers in a cozy space like a cafe.
assortment of items.

Combination of round dining table and dining chairs

If you place a round dining table where people naturally gather, you can create a lively dining kitchen. A round dining table is characterized by its ability to comfortably accommodate two or four people, even in a space-saving manner.